Monday 29 March 2010

Spring is happening for boats too

Look what we saw yesterday! What a colourful boat!

Sunday 28 March 2010

What excitement! We thought we'd seen an otter. I first saw it under the willow tree on land. Then it slithered into the water - the squawks of geese, coots and swans was loud and then it swam around the corner. Advice from neighbours made us think it was an American mink

Friday 26 March 2010

sex on the river

today I wished I had a movie camera- for life was very exciting for the swans

Thursday 25 March 2010

and Bidou the black swan was swimming by

some recent photos

The mute swans are certainly displaying their plumage

Life on the river

By chance or is it fate that we now live in a house boat on the River Thames near Hampton Court. We only moved in in November and have experienced the coldest winter in memory. Despite that we are constantly surprised and excited by the life on the river. We have a coots nest and mama coot is busy nesting; we have seen the grebes come into colour, the mute swans, canada geese, mallards, tufted ducks etc beginning their courtship.

In our garden - the bluetits, gold finches, the greater spotted woodpecker, jays, magpies and of course the beautiful green parakeets. My husband calls them hooligans but they remind me of Australia. We have also seen the magnificent kingfisher and this week saw a mink.

Why have I started a blog? To produce a monthly record of life at Twin Beaks